Harvest Keller USED Uniform Sale!!!
July 18th & 19th 9:00 - 3:00
July 10th - 13th 8:30 - 3:00 Upstairs
Monday, July 17th
Tues. 8:45-12 & 12 - 3 July 18th
Wed. 8:45-12 & 12-3 July 19th
It is time to clean out your closets and bring uniform items for the used uniform sale! Each year we make buying uniforms a little more cost-effective by asking families to sell or donate uniform items that their children no longer need. Please pay close attention to the dates and times. We have limited space for storage so we cannot accept uniforms too far in advance.
WASH. FOLD. TAG. If you are sending items to sell, please ensure everything is washed and folded with a used uniform tag attached. You should label each item individually with a completed tag to ensure you are reimbursed for all pieces you plan to sell; used uniform tags are attached to this email. If you do not wish to tag all of your items, you can simply donate them and the proceeds will benefit the school. Should you send in items that do not sell and request that they be returned to you, they will be bagged for you to pick up no later than Tuesday, July 25th; you will receive an email if you have items to be picked up.
** Remember, we cannot sell anything that is not already sold by one of our vendors; if you bring items that cannot be sold, they will be returned to you or donated, whichever you choose on your tag.
Please drop your items off at the main school office (upstairs) the week of July 10th-13th. As a reminder, our summer hours are Monday-Thursday 8:30-3:00, closed on Fridays.
The sale will be held in the cafeteria, July 18th-19th from 9:00-3:00 and you can pay with cash, check, or card.
Ways you can help:
Help set up Monday, July 17th
Cashier Tuesday and Wednesday; shifts are 8:45-12:00 and 12:00-3:00. If you are available all day, that is great too! Students can begin getting NJHS/NHS hours early!
Tear down Wednesday after the sale
Send in grocery bags
Contact: Amanda Gilliam at agilliam@hcasaints.org
Details about ordering new uniforms for the 2023-2024 school year:
We will not keep uniforms on site so it is very important that you utilize Ivy School Uniforms (which has a storefront in Colleyville), Lands’ End, French Toast, and 1st Place Spiritwear. Be sure you are on HCA’s portion of each site so that you are in compliance with our dress code. The Dress Code Guidelines can be downloaded here.
Click here for the Ivy School Uniform website- sells all uniform items and is the only vendor for PE Uniforms.
Click here for HCA’s site on Lands’ End
Click here for HCA’s site on French Toast
Click here for HCA's site on 1st Place Spiritwear. With the exception of the 1/4 zip fleece, all items on this site are spirit wear only.
Here are a few key uniform changes:
There are no longer stipulations on shoe color or socks
Shorts must be two inches above the knee for boys and girls
Students must wear an undershirt tucked in with the ¼ zip fleece
There is no longer a length restriction for boys’ hair, as long as it is not distracting and is out of the eyes
Uniforms and Spirit Wear
HCA provides several options for student uniforms and HCA spirit wear.
Below, you will find links to the approved uniform vendors and our online spirit wear store. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!